Practical Teaching Experience

Instructional Plan for Practical Teaching Experience
Integrating Instructional Technology (ISTC 301)

Content Area:
Grade Level:
Title of Lesson:
Coming of Age in Different Contexts
Lesson Instructors:
Katie Bohdel
Sara Carr

Guide created by Tricia Ryan Name of Preservice Teacher Candidate(s)
Maryland Voluntary State Curriculum/ Content Standards and Performance Indicators/ Specific Objectives (Used Howard County Curriculum Guide)
• 2.1.3
• 2.1.4
• 3.1.3
Maryland Teacher Technology Standards and Performance Indicators
• Standard II – Use telecommunications to collaborate with peers, parents, colleagues administrators or experts in the field. Using multiple digital sources to communicate information online.
• Standard IV – Assessment for administration and instruction. Use appropriate technology to share results and solutions with others such as parents and the larger community.
• Standard V – Integrating technology into the curriculum and instruction. Using appropriate instructional strategies for integrating technology into instruction. Develop an appropriate assessment for measuring student outcomes through the use of technology.
INTASC Principles Used:
1. The teacher understands the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) he/she teaches and can create learning experiences that make these aspects of subject matter meaningful for the students.
2. The teacher understands how children learn and develop, and can provide learning opportunities that support their intellectual, social, and personal development.
3. The teacher understands how students differ in their approaches to learning and creates instructional opportunities that are adapted to the diverse learner.
4. The teacher understands and uses a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills.
5. The teacher uses an understanding of individual and group motivation and behavior to create a learning environment that encourages positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
6. The teacher uses knowledge of effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the classroom.
7. The teacher plans instruction based upon knowledge of subject matter, students, the community, and curriculum goals.

Teacher Preparation/ Equipment & Materials:
Teachers will prepare for this activity by making sure all of the computers are equipped with microphones and the necessary recording tools to use with the online audio recorder Vocaroo and also make sure the computers have audacity properly installed. Students will be informed to bring in the novel that they chose to read for this project and will already be informed about the project’s nature (i.e. they have read their books, they have chosen their partners, and have completed a draft of the audio assignment.)

Novel of Student’s Choice

Technology Integration (Specific description of how hardware, software and online resources will be used.)
Students will be creating a web-radio show/podcast using either Vocaroo or Audacity where, with a partner, they will have a debate “on air” about two different books that they read for this assignment and how it relates to the topic of “coming of age.” Students are encouraged to make the show fun and interesting while having a friendly debate that answers the following items:
• Give a brief synopsis of the novel
• Describe whether or not you enjoyed it
• Regardless of enjoyment, how does the book demonstrate “coming of age.”
• They are encouraged to use direct quotations.

Instructional Procedures
1. Students will enter the classroom having already finished their books and with complete knowledge of the assignment.
2. They will have already worked outside of class with their partners to discuss what they want to incorporate into their audio show.
3. With their generic scripts, partners will be assigned a computer and a microphone and work together to create their podcasts.
4. The instructor will be available to help students with any technical issues that might occur during the recording process.
5. The assignment should be between 5 and 10 minutes long once completed and posted to the student’s personal “journal blog.”

Formative Assessment/ Plans for Differentiation
• The formative assessment for this lesson will be looking over the student’s podcast scripts. It is not graded, but will give the instructor a better understanding of where each student is content-wise, and provide feedback before the assignment is completed.
• Students will be given the choice to use either Audacity or Vocaroo. Students with a greater technological background can choose to use Audacity and make their podcasts more intricate rather than find themselves completely bored by using a simple online program like Vocaroo. Conversely, students who have difficulty with technology will not feel stressed or pressured to learn a technology that is beyond their ability.
• This assignment has both a written and a verbal component that will speak to students of all learning abilities. It encourages student social interaction and the written portion is not as elaborate as an essay that students with writing issues will find themselves at a disadvantage.
• Students with speaking disabilities will have the option to turn in a more detailed, written script if they so choose.
Discussion Prompts for Critical and Creative Thinking
• The podcast recording allows students to creatively discuss the book that they read. They were able to choose their own book (it needed to be okayed by the instructor first) instead of being forced to read another “boring English novel.”
• After the podcasts are completed and posted to each student’s “journal blog,” the instructor will review each assignment and post his/her own Vocaroo reply with probing questions regarding the students’ podcast content. The replies made by the instructor will be voiced in the form of a caller calling in to their own private radio show. Students will be expected to reply.

Summary and Lesson Closure
• Students will present their podcasts to the class.
Assessment Plan
• See rubric on student hand-out