Thursday, July 22, 2010

My Web Portfolio: Technology Standards

Standard I: Technology Information Access, Evaluation, Processing and Application-

I think that two projects exemplified the values of this standard, namely the Subject Specific Bookmarking project and The Learning theories assignment. In both projects we needed to do our own independent research ("access" the information). Then we needed to determine what resources provided the most useful and relevant information ("evaluation"). Then we created either a Delicious bookmark page or a Glogster that presented the information in an accessible and organized manner ("processing and application").

Standard II: Communication -

A: The first piece of the Communication Standard focuses on interaction. I think our blog and its blog posts were one form of interaction. And then our comments on other class member's blogs served as the second part of that interaction.

B: The second piece of this standard focuses on presenting information in a variety of formats. My synopsis of UDL Chapter 8 used both and Vocaroo to present the information in a visual graphic organizer and a complementary voice recording. Both of these technologies presented the same information, but in different styles.

Standard III: Legal, Social and Ethical Issues –

My CyberEthics project on Cyber bullying and my Copyright Blog address the "Legal, Social, and Ethical" standards of technology. As future teachers, this is one of the most important standards for us to know and know well. We must be aware of the dangers that the internet may present (especially the impact that cyber bullying can leave on the victim). We also need to teach and be aware of copyright laws in order to use works in a legal and fair manner.

Standard IV: Assessment for Administration and Instruction –

I think that the overall blog that we have created in this class serves as a clear example of researching information that could improve instruction and then sharing our research with parents and the community.

Standard V: Integrating Technology into the Curriculum and Instruction –

I think that my Digital Story and my Practical Teaching Experience project both serve as examples of using the technology learned in this course and directly applying that knowledge to our course content. Both of these projects had us explore how technology can seamlessly blend into our content, and therefore make our lesson more interesting and relevant to our tech-savvy students.

Standard VI: Assistive Technologies –

Katie and I took this standard into consideration when we created our Practical Teaching Experience project. Students will have a brief written assignment in conjunction with a speaking assignment. Therefore, students with writing disabilities will be able to present their book report via their radio show which is more focused on speaking. Thus they are fulfulling our assessment standards with confidence.

On a side note, I felt that when I created the Vocaroo synopsis for Chapter 8, that the simple recording device would be a great tool for a teacher with a blind student. If that student were to miss class, they could listen to a recording of the class or a brief verbal summary, in order to review the information they missed.

Standard VII: Professional Growth –

I think that this entire class served as a great step in professional growth for me. I learned new strategies as well as new technologies that I can easily integrate into my classroom on a regular basis. Not only do I benefit from these Web 2.0 tools, my students will also benefit from a classroom that creates a highly inventive and interactive learning experience.

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